Patios alone can transform the very look and appeal of an architecture. Those lucky ones who have a patio at the back of their homes own the luxury of mixing and matching the doors with their patio styles. Patio doors are not very different from entryway doors, but not much alike either. Patio doors in Toronto are only smaller and often a lot more decorative in details as opposed to front doors.

Wooden Doors: The oldest in this list is the wooden variety. But, nobody seems to like all-wooden doors anymore, not at least as their patio exit ways. Wooden patio doors are therefore given a customized architectural appeal by designing them with decorative glass. The work of glass add an element of décor to the fittings.

Steel Doors: Storm doors are often cast in steel for extra durability. If you live in a place in Canada where hurricanes and vortexes are common, then a steel door is what you should have. They do not rot, nor war and are definitely above the problems of termites and shrinkage. They also make great security fittings.

Aluminum Doors: Another metal door, this one is proof of mildew and rust and are ideal for temperate climates.

Fiberglass Doors: Fiberglass patio doors in Toronto do not warp, nor peel even after prolonged use. They have a better visuals than other plain doors. They can also be stained or painted as you like. Aluminum patio doors are also very low on maintenance.